Friday, July 24, 2015

quick trip

My sons' schedules have lined up this summer pretty much perfectly to insure that there is almost always one of them around the house.

It was my older son's turn to cook dinner last night (yes - my sons cook, yes it is wonderful for so many reasons).  When he got home from work, he decided he wanted to do a bit more than what he had originally planned.  And the younger son wanted to get a few more things for his turn today.  So - quick trip to the grocery store for both of them, together!

I asked my husband very nicely if he could please beat me.  He gracioulsy obliged.  It was short, and fast, only the crop and the very thin cane - oh and his teeth.  A really quick trip to subspace - he knows just how to do that. He also gracioulsy allowed me to come, hard.  A few quick minutes of lying together remembering how much we like and need this. Then the car pulling into the driveway.


  1. Isn't it lovely when the Fates conspire in our favor?
    Glad you grabbed some time!

  2. It is and meeee toooo!!! Thanks sweetie.

  3. lol....and then the mad dash to get dressed and just be mom and dad.
    Glad you found some stolen moments together....every once and awhile the universe does smile.

    ~ Sub Jane ~

    1. jane,
      ooh - life has picked up to be insane since that moment - i'm sorry to take so long to respond. Absolutely - the frantic rush to re-appear as if nothing happened - I'm sure they have no clue :) thanks.

  4. Lovely.
    Thanks for sharing this :-)

    1. Bleuame,
      thanks- hope things are good there by you!
