Friday, May 2, 2014


Him (whispered in my ear even though no one else is around):  11:15.  I would like you showered, undressed, upstairs, ready -- physically and mentally.

Me (in my head but apparently also evident on my face): that's very soon, i can get ready physically, but mentally.....?

Me (out loud but quietly, sincerely): i don't know if i can get to the right place mentally

Him (as he walks out): then I will get you there, you just show up physically....


  1. oh gg, i get what you mean about being ready mentally, but how hot i think it is to get that kind of response from him.

    Sometimes i do think its when we dont think we are ready mentally its when one most needs them to take that control?


    1. tori,
      Absolutely - and in this case also reassuring. This wasn't so much about the sex - for me - but about re-establishing and reinforcing roles. I needed to be pushed enough that there was surrender involved. i do need that periodically, and - as you say - i generally need it when i'm not in the right headspace - otherwise i wouldn't need it.

  2. gg,

    Completely agree with Tori and would add that there are times mouse is mentally and physically ready for something to happen and nothing does. But he waits for the times that mouse is slightly off guard and mental readiness is impossible.

    A side note, while mouse doesn't always comment, she does read what you write.


    1. mouse,
      Exactly. He has gotten good at reading me - and he knows that when i'm with him mentally - that's one thing- maybe easier, lighter, fun, a different flavor. But when i'm off balance - i do need re-aligning, reminders, a show of force maybe.

      And - thank you. I've been writing far less - there just isn't as much angst or worry as there used to be - and my wondering has become more and more specific to us and would mean less to anyone else. I very much appreciate the interactions with other people here - but i also understand that it is harder to comment. I can't get upset about having fewer readers or commenters when i know it's my doing, not anyone else's.

  3. I'm always reading too, even when I don't comment.

    1. thank you - i do love the interaction - but i write these days because he has asked me to - which makes some of the writing less meaningful generally and harder to relate to i think. i appreciate it - i gain so much insight from your writing and your perspective.

  4. much of it is really about just showing up :)

    (I'm always reading too).
